Budget 2004
Budget 2005
  Rec/Exp 2004
Proposed 2005
% Difference
Library 52.00   0.00   52.00   0.00   -100%
Parks & Recreation 1,877.00   3,500.00   (1,623.00)   1,000.00   -47%
Police Dept 2,436.75   500.00   1,936.75   500.00   -79%
Recycling Dept        
Recycling Revenues 2,725.24   1,500.00   1,225.24   6,500.00   139%
Recycling Tickets 4,657.00   3,000.00   1,657.00   4,000.00   -14%
Total Recycling Dept 7,382.24   4,500.00   2,882.24   10,500.00   42%
Town Office 1,620.59   1,500.00   120.59   1,500.00   -7%
Total CHARGES FOR SERVICES 13,368.58   10,000.00   3,368.58   13,500.00   1%
Cemetary Fund 4,500.00   4,000.00   500.00   2,500.00   -44%
McCanna Fund 346.69   200.00   146.69   200.00   -42%
Sayles Fund 0.00   200.00   (200.00)   200.00   100%
Total INTERFUND OP. TRANSFERS IN 4,846.69   4,400.00   446.69   2,900.00   -40%
Articles of Agreement Filing 15.00   0.00   15.00   0.00   -100%
Building Permits 9,327.45   6,500.00   2,827.45   6,500.00   -30%
Business Licenses 0.00   25.00   (25.00)   25.00   100%
Candidate Filing Fees 7.00   5.00   2.00   5.00   -29%
Dog Licenses 1,528.00   1,200.00   328.00   1,500.00   -2%
Dog Licenses Fines 136.00   300.00   (164.00)   150.00   10%
Federal Lien Filling Fees 45.00   15.00   30.00   25.00   -44%
Marriage Licenses 360.00   300.00   60.00   300.00   -17%
Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 228,028.00   195,000.00   33,028.00   200,000.00   -12%
Motor Vehicle Stickers & Plates 3,498.00   3,000.00   498.00   3,000.00   -14%
Motor Vehicle Titles 784.00   700.00   84.00   700.00   -11%
Other Fees 89.00   25.00   64.00   75.00   -16%
Pistol Permits 160.00   200.00   (40.00)   200.00   25%
Planning Board Fees 2,131.12   2,000.00   131.12   2,000.00   -6%
Septic Test & Plan Fees 2,050.00   2,000.00   50.00   1,500.00   -27%
Town Fees For Bad Checks 359.29   200.00   159.29   200.00   -44%
U.C.C. Filing Fees 360.00   300.00   60.00   300.00   -17%
U.C.C. Search Fees 0.00   60.00   (60.00)   0.00   -100%
Vital Certified Copies & Search 176.00   150.00   26.00   150.00   -15%
Wet Land Filing Fees 24.42   15.00   9.42   15.00   -39%
Witness Fees 300.60   100.00   200.60   150.00   -50%
ZBA Fees 928.14   300.00   628.14   400.00   -57%
Total LICENSES, PERMITS & FEES 250,307.02   212,395.00   37,912.02   217,195.00   -13%
Fines From Court 3,146.90   5,000.00   (1,853.10)   2,000.00   -36%
Insurance Claims 690.00   0.00   690.00   0.00   -100%
Interest on Deposits 3,092.60   5,800.00   (2,707.40)   2,500.00   -19%
Liability Dividend 0.00   100.00   (100.00)   0.00   -100%
Sale of Municipal Property 8,500.00   5,000.00   3,500.00   0.00   -100%
Town Hall Rental 3,270.00   3,000.00   270.00   2,200.00   -33%
Total MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 18,699.50   18,900.00   (200.50)   6,700.00   -64%
GPD Alcohol Enforcement St.Park 0.00   2,300.00   (2,300.00)   2,300.00   100%
New Hampshire The Beautiful 3,250.00   3,500.00   (250.00)   0.00   -100%
Police Vests 0.00   1,000.00   (1,000.00)   0.00   -100%
Radar Equipment 0.00   900.00   (900.00)   0.00   -100%
Street Sweeper Grant 0.00   0.00   0.00   1,736.00   100%
Used Oil Collection 0.00   2,500.00   (2,500.00)   0.00   -100%
Total Grants 3,250.00   10,200.00   (6,950.00)   4,036.00   24%
Hwy Block Grant 61,537.72   61,538.00   (0.28)   66,114.00   7%
Meals & Rooms Tax Distr. 57,629.89   40,000.00   17,629.89   50,000.00   -13%
Railroad Tax 1,519.94   1,700.00   (180.06)   1,600.00   5%
Road Tolls/Gas Tax Refund 573.30   1,500.00   (926.70)   1,500.00   162%
Shared Revenues 21,983.00   20,000.00   1,983.00   12,711.00   -42%
State&Federal Forest Land Reimb 2,420.00   2,300.00   120.00   2,300.00   -5%
Total REVENUES FM STATE 148,913.85   137,238.00   11,675.85   138,261.00   -7%
Gravel Yield Tax 1,161.22   0.00   1,161.22   800.00   -31%
Interest & Penalties 62,092.51   40,000.00   22,092.51   40,000.00   -36%
Land Use Change Tax        
Land Use ChangeTransfers (5,000.00)   (5,000.00)   0.00   (5,000.00)   0%
Land Use Change Tax - Other 36,021.02   45,000.00   (8,978.98)   25,000.00   -31%
Total Land Use Change Tax 31,021.02   40,000.00   (8,978.98)   20,000.00   -36%
Other Taxes 39.72   0.00   39.72   0.00   -100%
Payment in Lieu of Taxes 123,912.26   100,000.00   23,912.26   165,000.00   33%
Timber Tax 9,084.33   15,000.00   (5,915.67)   10,000.00   10%
Total TAXES 227,311.06   195,000.00   32,311.06   235,800.00   4%
Total Income 663,446.70   577,933.00   85,513.70   614,356.00   -7%
AMBULANCE - 4215        
Medical Services 0.00   0.00   0.00   6,148.00   100%
Total AMBULANCE - 4215 0.00   0.00   0.00   6,148.00   100%
Code Books 398.14   500.00   (101.86)   500.00   26%
Dues and Subscriptions 110.00   200.00   (90.00)   250.00   127%
Education/Conventions 941.24   800.00   141.24   100.00   -89%
General Supplies 19.53   100.00   (80.47)   400.00   1948%
Mileage 960.75   800.00   160.75   150.00   -84%
Part-Time Wages 3,869.00   4,000.00   (131.00)   5,900.00   52%
Retirement 51.82   0.00   51.82   0.00   -100%
Total BUILDING INSPECTOR - 4240 6,350.48   6,400.00   (49.52)   7,300.00   15%
CEMETERIES - 4195        
Electricity 127.58   175.00   (47.42)   175.00   37%
Equipment Repair 0.00   250.00   (250.00)   250.00   100%
General Supplies 90.00   0.00   90.00   100.00   11%
Groundskeeper 7,313.01   9,445.00   (2,131.99)   7,213.00   -1%
Maintenance 1,041.15   1,450.00   (408.85)   2,000.00   92%
Monument Repair 0.00   0.00   0.00   1,000.00   100%
Total CEMETERIES - 4195 8,571.74   11,320.00   (2,748.26)   10,738.00   25%
CONSERVATION - 4611        
Dues and Subscription 175.00   175.00   0.00   175.00   0%
Education/Convention 0.00   210.00   (210.00)   210.00   100%
General Supplies 179.98   150.00   29.98   760.00   322%
Lay Lake Monitoring 80.00   500.00   (420.00)   200.00   150%
Natural Resources Inventory 413.07   800.00   (386.93)   500.00   21%
Postage 20.70   150.00   (129.30)   100.00   383%
Publications 10.00   0.00   10.00   10.00   0%
Town Forester 1,000.00   1,000.00   0.00   2,000.00   100%
Wetlands Engineer 0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0%
Total CONSERVATION - 4611 1,878.75   2,985.00   (1,106.25)   3,955.00   111%
ELECT./REG./VITAL STAT.- 4140        
Advertising 522.70   600.00   (77.30)   200.00   -62%
Checklist & Ballot Insp. Wages 1,828.69   1,000.00   828.69   433.00   -76%
Computer Hardware 0.00   0.00   0.00   2,000.00   100%
Computer Software 0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0%
Computer Support/Maint. 1,189.00   3,000.00   (1,811.00)   1,500.00   26%
Dues and Subscriptions 0.00   20.00   (20.00)   20.00   100%
Education/Conventions 64.00   200.00   (136.00)   200.00   213%
General Supplies 220.17   150.00   70.17   150.00   -32%
Meals for Officials 766.49   600.00   166.49   200.00   -74%
Mileage 12.82   100.00   (87.18)   100.00   680%
Publications 122.00   100.00   22.00   100.00   -18%
Town Clerk - Other Compensation 8,318.00   8,000.00   318.00   9,000.00   8%
Town Clerk Deputy Wages 2,809.65   3,500.00   (690.35)   6,140.00   119%
Town Clerk Salary 3,604.92   3,605.00   (0.08)   4,605.00   28%
Vital Statistics 888.50   700.00   188.50   700.00   -21%
Total ELECT./REG./VITAL STAT.- 4140 20,346.94   21,575.00   (1,228.06)   25,348.00   25%
EXECUTIVE - 4130        
AA - Salary 38,979.00   38,979.00   0.00   40,148.00   3%
Clerical Wages 27,854.10   27,850.00   4.10   29,243.00   5%
Contract Services 0.00   100.00   (100.00)   800.00   100%
Education/Conventions 667.25   1,000.00   (332.75)   1,000.00   50%
Insurance - Dental 2,107.18   2,500.00   (392.82)   2,590.00   23%
Insurance - Disability 530.84   672.00   (141.16)   692.00   30%
Insurance - Health 20,450.28   22,388.00   (1,937.72)   24,227.00   18%
Insurance - Life 58.20   76.00   (17.80)   76.00   31%
Mileage 394.15   300.00   94.15   300.00   -24%
Moderator Salary 120.00   120.00   0.00   124.00   3%
Retirement 3,633.23   3,919.00   (285.77)   4,410.00   21%
Selectmen Salaries 4,215.00   4,215.00   0.00   4,342.00   3%
Total EXECUTIVE - 4130 99,009.23   102,119.00   (3,109.77)   107,952.00   9%
Assessing Services 6,875.00   7,500.00   (625.00)   20,247.00   195%
Auditing Services 3,189.98   7,200.00   (4,010.02)   5,000.00   57%
Computer Equipment 2,083.00   0.00   2,083.00   0.00   -100%
Computer Software 850.00   0.00   850.00   0.00   -100%
Computer Support 3,082.50   2,500.00   582.50   2,700.00   -12%
Contract Services (Bob G.) 0.00   1,500.00   (1,500.00)   1,500.00   100%
Dues and Subscriptions 50.00   100.00   (50.00)   100.00   100%
Education/Conventions 169.84   900.00   (730.16)   1,200.00   607%
General Supplies 533.19   100.00   433.19   800.00   50%
Mileage 144.75   300.00   (155.25)   500.00   245%
Office Equipment 0.00   1,000.00   (1,000.00)   1,000.00   100%
Postage 847.99   1,500.00   (652.01)   1,300.00   53%
Registry Fees 180.59   500.00   (319.41)   500.00   177%
Tax Collector Deputy Wages 220.00   500.00   (280.00)   650.00   195%
Tax Collector Salary 12,750.00   13,000.00   (250.00)   13,390.00   5%
Treasurer Deputy Wages 0.00   100.00   (100.00)   103.00   100%
Treasurer Salary 2,600.00   2,600.00   0.00   2,000.00   -23%
Total FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION - 4150 33,576.84   39,300.00   (5,723.16)   50,990.00   52%
FIRE - 4220        
Building Repairs/Maint. 1,448.30   4,300.00   (2,851.70)   3,500.00   142%
Chief's Wages 1,560.00   1,560.00   0.00   1,560.00   0%
Custodial Service 3,068.00   2,400.00   668.00   3,000.00   -2%
Dues & Subscriptions 362.00   1,100.00   (738.00)   1,100.00   204%
Electricity 3,258.30   2,700.00   558.30   3,500.00   7%
Equipment 4,265.27   5,200.00   (934.73)   4,800.00   13%
Equipment Replacement 6,550.19   8,600.00   (2,049.81)   2,500.00   -62%
Expense Reimbursements 5,499.99   5,500.00   (0.01)   5,500.00   0%
Fire Alarm System 1,813.85   3,350.00   (1,536.15)   4,010.00   121%
Fire Prevention 282.64   550.00   (267.36)   550.00   95%
Forest Fire Equipment 300.00   500.00   (200.00)   500.00   67%
Forest Fire Reimbursements 0.00   400.00   (400.00)   400.00   100%
Gasoline & Diesel Fuel 3,163.80   1,350.00   1,813.80   1,750.00   -45%
General Supplies 1,314.87   750.00   564.87   1,000.00   -24%
Heating Fuel 2,337.25   3,500.00   (1,162.75)   4,000.00   71%
Insurance - General Liability 642.00   1,000.00   (358.00)   1,000.00   56%
Insurance - Vehicle 2,052.00   2,500.00   (448.00)   2,500.00   22%
Medical Supplies 950.34   2,500.00   (1,549.66)   2,250.00   137%
Mutual Aid 9,363.00   9,600.00   (237.00)   9,600.00   3%
Radio Repairs/Maint. 1,421.63   750.00   671.63   1,000.00   -30%
Telephone 1,375.43   1,100.00   275.43   1,300.00   -5%
Training Services 3,559.24   4,500.00   (940.76)   4,500.00   26%
Unanticipated Grant Expenditure 8,859.99   0.00   8,859.99   0.00   -100%
Unanticipated Grant Income (7,660.00)   0.00   (7,660.00)   0.00   -100%
Uniform Allowance 412.93   1,000.00   (587.07)   1,000.00   142%
Vehicle Repair/Maintenance 3,087.37   2,500.00   587.37   2,500.00   -19%
W.A. #5 - '04 Rescue Truck 0.00   12,471.00   (12,471.00)   0.00   -100%
W.A. #6 - '04 Rescue Boat 12,000.00   12,000.00   0.00   0.00   -100%
Total FIRE - 4220 71,288.39   91,681.00   (20,392.61)   63,320.00   -11%
Buildings R&M Wages 3,655.74   3,871.00   (215.26)   3,988.00   9%
Buildings Repairs/Maint. 12,733.82   10,815.00   1,918.82   10,076.00   -21%
Custodial Services 9,782.00   8,952.00   830.00   9,782.00   0%
Electricity 1,906.57   1,800.00   106.57   2,000.00   5%
Fire Alarm System 2,913.35   2,785.00   128.35   7,670.00   163%
General Supplies 1,034.01   1,000.00   34.01   1,000.00   -3%
Heating Fuel - Mtg Hse 1,935.64   1,800.00   135.64   2,100.00   8%
Mileage 35.25   75.00   (39.75)   75.00   113%
Telephone 802.88   800.00   2.88   800.00   0%
Total GENERAL GOV. BUILDINGS - 4194 34,799.26   31,898.00   2,901.26   37,491.00   8%
HEALTH AGENCIES - 4415        
Elders Meals 0.00   750.00   (750.00)   750.00   100%
Home Health Care & Community Sv 775.00   775.00   0.00   775.00   0%
Keene Community Kitchen 750.00   500.00   250.00   500.00   -33%
Milford Mediation 0.00   500.00   (500.00)   500.00   100%
Monadnock Family Services 2,157.50   2,158.00   (0.50)   2,158.00   0%
Project Lift 100.00   100.00   0.00   100.00   0%
Samaritans 0.00   250.00   (250.00)   250.00   100%
St. Joseph's Hospital 390.00   390.00   0.00   390.00   0%
Total HEALTH AGENCIES - 4415 4,172.50   5,423.00   (1,250.50)   5,423.00   30%
HIGHWAY - 4311        
Advertising 227.50   575.00   (347.50)   575.00   153%
Blasting 1,000.00   1,000.00   0.00   1,000.00   0%
Building Repairs/Maintenance 5,130.24   5,000.00   130.24   5,000.00   -3%
Calcium Chloride - Summer 6,000.00   5,000.00   1,000.00   5,000.00   -17%
Computer Equipment 93.75   0.00   93.75   0.00   -100%
Computer Support/Maint. 56.25   1,000.00   (943.75)   1,000.00   1678%
Drainage Material 9,165.41   9,500.00   (334.59)   9,500.00   4%
Drug/Alcohol Testing 681.00   500.00   181.00   500.00   -27%
Dues and Subscriptions 444.50   250.00   194.50   250.00   -44%
Education/Conventions 60.00   100.00   (40.00)   100.00   67%
Electricity 2,197.36   1,500.00   697.36   2,500.00   14%
Equipment Rental 9,604.60   10,000.00   (395.40)   10,000.00   4%
FEMA Income (5,875.30)   0.00   (5,875.30)   0.00   -100%
Fire Alarm system 978.40   1,085.00   (106.60)   3,044.00   211%
Full-Time Wages 87,756.87   89,200.00   (1,443.13)   92,747.00   6%
Gasoline & Diesel Fuel 16,722.12   15,000.00   1,722.12   17,000.00   2%
General Supplies 450.72   275.00   175.72   275.00   -39%
Gravel/Processing 14,965.50   15,000.00   (34.50)   15,000.00   0%
Heating Fuel 5,158.74   5,500.00   (341.26)   5,500.00   7%
Insurance - Dental 2,883.76   3,341.00   (457.24)   3,441.00   19%
Insurance - Disability 1,000.72   1,405.00   (404.28)   1,447.00   45%
Insurance - Health 31,903.41   38,035.00   (6,131.59)   45,324.00   42%
Insurance - Life 109.20   150.00   (40.80)   150.00   37%
Insurance - Vehicle 2,143.82   2,500.00   (356.18)   2,500.00   17%
Machinery & Equipment 3,639.04   350.00   3,289.04   0.00   -100%
Mileage 80.99   50.00   30.99   50.00   -38%
Over-Time Wages 3,821.26   13,379.00   (9,557.74)   14,146.00   270%
Plow & Sander Repair 4,182.99   4,000.00   182.99   4,000.00   -4%
Protective Clothing 1,016.38   1,000.00   16.38   1,000.00   -2%
Public Works Part-Time Wages 4,932.79   11,228.00   (6,295.21)   6,000.00   22%
Retirement 6,786.73   8,588.00   (1,801.27)   9,689.00   43%
Road Reconstruction 79,009.86   80,000.00   (990.14)   80,000.00   1%
Salt & Sand 12,453.49   13,500.00   (1,046.51)   18,500.00   49%
Sealing & Tarring 39,895.68   40,000.00   (104.32)   44,000.00   10%
Small Tools & Equipment 934.39   1,100.00   (165.61)   1,450.00   55%
Street Signs 491.84   500.00   (8.16)   500.00   2%
Supervisor Salary 42,984.01   42,984.00   0.01   45,563.00   6%
Telephone 552.65   750.00   (197.35)   750.00   36%
Vehicle Lubricants 1,990.31   2,000.00   (9.69)   2,000.00   0%
Vehicle Repair/Maintenance 18,171.80   17,000.00   1,171.80   17,000.00   -6%
W.A. #2 - '02 Dump Truck 29,851.16   29,851.00   0.16   29,851.00   0%
W.A. #4 - '04 Intn'l Dump Truck 27,711.50   27,712.00   (0.50)   27,243.00   -2%
W.A. #5 - '03 Grader 33,282.12   35,464.00   (2,181.88)   33,282.00   0%
W.A. #6 - '03 Trackless 10,242.49   10,243.00   (0.51)   10,242.00   0%
Welding Supplies 1,097.75   1,000.00   97.75   1,000.00   -9%
Wetlands Engineer 0.00   500.00   (500.00)   500.00   100%
Total HIGHWAY - 4311 515,987.80   547,115.00   (31,127.20)   568,619.00   10%
INSURANCE - 4196        
Property/Liability 9,799.18   9,500.00   299.18   9,800.00   0%
Unemployment Compensation 350.00   500.00   (150.00)   350.00   0%
Workmen's Compensation 10,075.71   8,238.00   1,837.71   7,700.00   -24%
Total INSURANCE - 4196 20,224.89   18,238.00   1,986.89   17,850.00   -12%
Int.- Fire Truck&Purch.Property 7,050.00   7,050.00   0.00   5,700.00   -19%
Interest - Revitalization Bond 51,347.50   51,348.00   (0.50)   49,248.00   -4%
Total INTEREST LONG TERM NOTE - 4721 58,397.50   58,398.00   (0.50)   54,948.00   -6%
INTEREST ON T.A.N. - 4723        
Interest on TAN Notes 2,717.40   10,000.00   (7,282.60)   7,500.00   176%
Total INTEREST ON T.A.N. - 4723 2,717.40   10,000.00   (7,282.60)   7,500.00   176%
LEGAL - 4153        
Appeal - Am. Steel 2,451.42        
Appeal - Williams, Roger & Virg 514.18        
Building Inspector 271.00        
Cutter vs Town & Ravenwood Rev 2,569.14        
Ellis 80.00        
Other Legal Services 274.46        
PILOT's 6,360.21        
Police 32.00        
Roads 814.05        
Robitaille v G.Gagnon&Town 2004 707.40        
Town Meeting/Warrant 634.60        
LEGAL - 4153 - Other 0.00   20,000.00   (20,000.00)   35,000.00   138%
Total LEGAL - 4153 14,708.46   20,000.00   (5,291.54)   35,000.00   138%
LIBRARY - 4550        
Advertising 0.00   30.00   (30.00)   0.00   0%
Books/Periodicals/Videos 3,334.68   5,000.00   (1,665.32)   5,000.00   50%
Building Repairs/Maintenance 1,211.24   1,500.00   (288.76)   2,100.00   73%
Computer Software 933.95   0.00   933.95   300.00   -68%
Computer Support/Maintenance 463.42   400.00   63.42   700.00   51%
Dues & Professional Expenses 75.00   350.00   (275.00)   350.00   367%
Education/Conventions 200.00   300.00   (100.00)   400.00   100%
Electricity 2,202.37   1,600.00   602.37   2,200.00   0%
Fire/Security System 2,309.47   2,723.00   (413.53)   2,723.00   18%
General Supplies & Postage 947.50   500.00   447.50   700.00   -26%
Heating Fuel 3,294.63   3,400.00   (105.37)   3,500.00   6%
Mileage 123.73   100.00   23.73   200.00   62%
Part-Time Wages 33,196.30   33,530.00   (333.70)   40,826.00   23%
Programs/Entertainment 129.38   300.00   (170.62)   400.00   209%
Telephone 1,704.10   1,500.00   204.10   2,650.00   56%
Total LIBRARY - 4550 50,125.77   51,233.00   (1,107.23)   62,049.00   24%
OTHER GENERAL GOV. - 4199        
Advertising 427.75   500.00   (72.25)   500.00   17%
Bank Fees 265.42   150.00   115.42   500.00   88%
Computer Equipment 3,434.00   1,800.00   1,634.00   1,500.00   -56%
Computer Software 2,378.96   1,300.00   1,078.96   2,500.00   5%
Computer Support/Maint. 4,497.50   1,900.00   2,597.50   4,250.00   -6%
Contingency Fund 243.46   1,500.00   (1,256.54)   1,500.00   516%
Copier Rental 666.60   1,000.00   (333.40)   2,772.00   316%
Dues and Subscriptions 195.00   250.00   (55.00)   250.00   28%
Electricity 2,413.08   2,000.00   413.08   2,500.00   4%
Fire Alarm System 590.83   300.00   290.83   300.00   -49%
General Supplies 2,645.55   2,000.00   645.55   2,000.00   -24%
Heating Fuel - Town Office 5,922.93   4,000.00   1,922.93   5,520.00   -7%
News Letter Salary 1,872.00   1,872.00   0.00   2,000.00   7%
Postage 2,719.39   3,000.00   (280.61)   2,500.00   -8%
Printing 3,953.79   5,000.00   (1,046.21)   4,500.00   14%
Publications 597.40   300.00   297.40   600.00   0%
Tax Maps 0.00   600.00   (600.00)   1,500.00   100%
Telephone 3,510.91   3,200.00   310.91   3,200.00   -9%
Town Office Equipment 493.14   1,000.00   (506.86)   1,000.00   103%
Town Website 2,346.56   2,500.00   (153.44)   1,095.00   -53%
Total OTHER GENERAL GOV. - 4199 39,174.27   34,172.00   5,002.27   40,487.00   3%
Activities 4,361.33   4,500.00   (138.67)   4,200.00   -4%
Advertising 402.62   250.00   152.62   250.00   -38%
Building Repairs/Maintenance 3,433.84   3,600.00   (166.16)   3,700.00   8%
Contract Services 3,290.00   4,210.00   (920.00)   3,625.00   10%
Dues 70.00   60.00   10.00   70.00   0%
Electricity 744.03   1,500.00   (755.97)   1,500.00   102%
Garden Supplies 336.67   700.00   (363.33)   700.00   108%
General Supplies 892.55   700.00   192.55   700.00   -22%
Grounds Maintenance 6,585.70   6,000.00   585.70   1,000.00   -85%
Groundskeeper 9,400.02   10,400.00   (999.98)   9,400.00   0%
Heat (Propane) 404.53   250.00   154.53   1,300.00   221%
Instructor 1,830.00   0.00   1,830.00   0.00   -100%
Instructor Reimbursements (1,820.00)   0.00   (1,820.00)   0.00   -100%
Little League Expenses 697.52   1,000.00   (302.48)   500.00   -28%
Mileage 199.87   250.00   (50.13)   250.00   25%
Oak Park Repairs 196.46   1,700.00   (1,503.54)   1,700.00   765%
Over-Time Wages 70.04   0.00   70.04   0.00   -100%
Part-Time Wages 20,829.85   24,320.00   (3,490.15)   27,355.00   31%
Telephone 472.90   312.00   160.90   480.00   2%
Total PARKS & RECREATION 52,397.93   59,752.00   (7,354.07)   56,730.00   8%
General Supplies 3,365.31   3,500.00   (134.69)   3,500.00   4%
Total PATRIOTIC PURPOSES - 4583 3,365.31   3,500.00   (134.69)   3,500.00   4%
PAYROLL EXPENSES 28,015.95   29,484.00   (1,468.05)   31,238.00   12%
PLANNING BOARD - 4191        
Advertising 941.57   1,000.00   (58.43)   1,000.00   6%
Clerical Wages 0.00   208.00   (208.00)   250.00   100%
Education/Conventions 125.00   250.00   (125.00)   250.00   100%
General Supplies 91.08   100.00   (8.92)   100.00   10%
Legal/Professional Services 3,401.71   2,000.00   1,401.71   3,750.00   10%
Master Plan Update 1,487.83   4,300.00   (2,812.17)   0.00   -100%
Office Equipment 0.00   0.00   0.00   760.00   100%
Postage 166.03   250.00   (83.97)   250.00   51%
Printing 0.00   25.00   (25.00)   100.00   100%
Publications 117.00   150.00   (33.00)   150.00   28%
Registry Fees 107.06   250.00   (142.94)   250.00   134%
Total PLANNING BOARD - 4191 6,437.28   8,533.00   (2,095.72)   6,860.00   7%
POLICE - 4210        
Chief's Salary 48,000.00   48,000.00   0.00   49,440.00   3%
Computer 2,100.00   2,100.00   0.00   200.00   -90%
Equipment 250.00   1,800.00   (1,550.00)   1,800.00   620%
Full-Time Wages 36,993.82   36,974.00   19.82   38,823.00   5%
Gasoline 3,791.93   3,500.00   291.93   4,000.00   5%
General Supplies 1,747.57   1,500.00   247.57   1,500.00   -14%
Insurance - Dental 1,407.22   1,889.00   (481.78)   1,957.00   39%
Insurance - Disability 673.56   672.00   1.56   692.00   3%
Insurance - General Liability 4,287.75   5,500.00   (1,212.25)   5,500.00   28%
Insurance - Health 14,247.70   16,360.00   (2,112.30)   17,841.00   25%
Insurance - Life 58.20   75.00   (16.80)   75.00   29%
Insurance - Vehicle 684.00   684.00   0.00   684.00   0%
Mutual Aid 4,917.15   5,000.00   (82.85)   5,000.00   2%
Over-Time Wages 1,404.77   2,000.00   (595.23)   2,000.00   42%
Part-Time Wages 12,054.37   13,276.00   (1,221.63)   13,675.00   13%
Personal Equipment 4,576.50   4,000.00   576.50   4,000.00   -13%
Postage 110.55   200.00   (89.45)   200.00   81%
Radio Repair/Maint. 0.00   250.00   (250.00)   350.00   100%
Retirement 7,001.01   6,845.00   156.01   7,921.00   13%
Special Detail 14,909.29   0.00   14,909.29   0.00   -100%
Special Detail Income (8,854.00)   0.00   (8,854.00)   0.00   -100%
Special Detail Oak Park Income (625.00)   0.00   (625.00)   0.00   -100%
Telephone 2,533.94   3,000.00   (466.06)   3,000.00   18%
Training Services 784.73   1,500.00   (715.27)   1,000.00   27%
Unanticipated Grant Expenditure 1,999.98   0.00   1,999.98   0.00   -100%
Unanticipated Grant Income (5,601.46)   0.00   (5,601.46)   0.00   -100%
Vehicle Repair/Maintenance 1,987.04   2,000.00   (12.96)   2,000.00   1%
W.A. #7 - '03 Cruiser 6,576.70   7,008.00   (431.30)   6,577.00   0%
Total POLICE - 4210 158,017.32   164,133.00   (6,115.68)   168,235.00   6%
Fire Truck & Property Purchase 30,000.00   30,000.00   0.00   30,000.00   0%
Revitalization Bond 70,000.00   70,000.00   0.00   65,000.00   -7%
Total PRINCIPAL LONG TERM NOTES- 4711 100,000.00   100,000.00   0.00   95,000.00   -5%
RECYCLING CENTER - 4324        
Advertising 0.00   300.00   (300.00)   300.00   100%
Building Repairs/Maintenance 1,353.00   1,000.00   353.00   2,800.00   107%
Contract Services        
Monadnock Disposal 35,154.20   27,300.00   7,854.20   33,500.00   -5%
Northeast Resource Rec. Assoc. 162.20   2,750.00   (2,587.80)   2,750.00   1595%
Waste Management 6,200.09   6,200.00   0.09   0.00   -100%
Total Contract Services 41,516.49   36,250.00   5,266.49   36,250.00   -13%
Dues and Subscriptions 150.00   100.00   50.00   100.00   -33%
Education/Conventions 0.00   75.00   (75.00)   75.00   100%
Electricity 681.29   1,600.00   (918.71)   1,600.00   135%
Equipment Repairs & Maintenance 1,287.77   500.00   787.77   1,500.00   16%
Forklift Propane 25.00   0.00   25.00   250.00   900%
Gasoline 322.44   500.00   (177.56)   250.00   -22%
General Supplies 991.21   800.00   191.21   800.00   -19%
Hazardous Waste 2,500.00   2,500.00   0.00   500.00   -80%
Heating Fuel 509.04   1,500.00   (990.96)   1,500.00   195%
Insurance - Dental 636.12   686.00   (49.88)   686.00   8%
Insurance - Disability 252.37   400.00   (147.63)   400.00   58%
Insurance - General Liability 115.17   0.00   115.17   120.00   4%
Insurance - Health 7,661.20   8,481.00   (819.80)   8,481.00   11%
Insurance - Life 29.10   37.00   (7.90)   37.00   27%
Machinery/Equipment 189.00   200.00   (11.00)   200.00   6%
Mileage 34.50   300.00   (265.50)   300.00   770%
Part-Time Wages 4,169.46   2,704.00   1,465.46   3,000.00   -28%
Refrigerant Removal 0.00   400.00   (400.00)   400.00   100%
Retirement 6.87   25.00   (18.13)   26.00   278%
Small Tools 271.99   300.00   (28.01)   300.00   10%
Steel Removal 0.00   1,500.00   (1,500.00)   0.00   0%
Supervisor Wages 19,072.22   23,228.00   (4,155.78)   23,925.00   25%
Telephone 447.41   400.00   47.41   400.00   -11%
Tire Removal 321.30   400.00   (78.70)   400.00   24%
Vehicle Repair/Maintenance 1,154.44   4,800.00   (3,645.56)   3,000.00   160%
W.A. #2 - '04 Additional Bay        
W.A. Add. Bay Construction 15,745.14        
W.A. Add. Bay Payroll Expenses 1,040.16        
W.A. Add. Bay Retirement 693.50        
W.A. Add. Bay Wages 13,600.08        
W.A. #2 - '04 Additional Bay - Other 0.00   31,000.00   (31,000.00)   0.00   -100%
Total W.A. #2 - '04 Additional Bay 31,078.88   31,000.00   78.88   0.00   -100%
W.A. #2 - '04 Fork Lift 6,500.00   7,000.00   (500.00)   0.00   -100%
W.A. #2 - '04 Waste Oil Burner 6,032.00   6,000.00   32.00   0.00   -100%
Total RECYCLING CENTER - 4324 127,308.27   132,986.00   (5,677.73)   87,600.00   -31%
N.H. Municipal Assoc. Dues 1,020.00   1,000.00   20.00   1,045.00   2%
So-West Reg. Plng. Com. Dues 1,899.00   1,823.00   76.00   1,918.00   1%
Total REGIONAL ASSOCIATIONS - 4197 2,919.00   2,823.00   96.00   2,963.00   2%
STREET LIGHTING - 4316        
Contract Services 4,151.26   4,000.00   151.26   4,000.00   -4%
Total STREET LIGHTING - 4316 4,151.26   4,000.00   151.26   4,000.00   -4%
Computer Support/Maint. 100.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   -100%
Direct Assistance - Food 263.21   600.00   (336.79)   600.00   128%
Direct Assistance - Heat 2,507.49   2,500.00   7.49   2,500.00   0%
Direct Assistance - Medical 398.99   600.00   (201.01)   600.00   50%
Direct Assistance - Other 577.53   500.00   77.53   500.00   -13%
Direct Assistance - PSNH 320.22   600.00   (279.78)   600.00   87%
Direct Assistance - Rent 3,100.00   4,100.00   (1,000.00)   4,100.00   32%
Direct Assistance - Unantic. 1,800.00   5,000.00   (3,200.00)   5,000.00   178%
Direct Assistance -McCanna Fund 346.69   200.00   146.69   200.00   -42%
Dues 30.00   40.00   (10.00)   30.00   0%
Ed/Conventions 0.00   50.00   (50.00)   50.00   100%
General Supplies 0.00   25.00   (25.00)   25.00   100%
Mileage 0.00   100.00   (100.00)   165.00   100%
Retirement 110.61   148.00   (37.39)   159.00   44%
Supervisor Salary 2,500.00   2,500.00   0.00   2,500.00   0%
Total WELFARE ADMINISTRATION - 4441 12,054.74   16,963.00   (4,908.26)   17,029.00   41%
ZONING BOARD - 4191        
Advertising 271.25   500.00   (228.75)   500.00   84%
Clerical Wages 0.00   350.00   (350.00)   350.00   100%
Education/Conventions 45.00   0.00   45.00   200.00   344%
Legal Services 0.00   1,000.00   (1,000.00)   1,000.00   100%
Office Equipment 0.00   0.00   0.00   560.00   100%
Postage 149.27   250.00   (100.73)   250.00   67%
Publications 102.00   200.00   (98.00)   200.00   96%
Tax Maps 33.34   250.00   (216.66)   250.00   650%
Total ZONING BOARD - 4191 600.86   2,550.00   (1,949.14)   3,310.00   451%
Total Expense 1,476,598.14   1,576,581.00   (99,982.86)   1,581,583.00   7%
Net Income (less) Expense (813,151.44)   (998,648.00)   185,496.56   (967,227.00)   19%
Appropriated Budget 2004 vs
Proposed Budget 2005 % Total
Medicare       7,015.00  
Social Security       24,398.86  
     Payroll Expenses       31,413.86  
Exec. Ret. Employee 1st 1/2       2,047.03  
Exec. Ret. Employee 2nd 1/2       2,362.76  
     Total Exec. Retirement       4,409.80  
Hiw. Ret. Employee 1st 1/2       4,497.45  
Hiw. Ret. Employee 2nd 1/2       5,191.13  
     Total Highway Retirement       9,688.58  
Welf. Ret. Employee 1st 1/2       73.75  
Welf. Ret. Employee 2nd 1/2       85.13  
     Total Welfare Retirement       158.88  
Police Ret. 1st 1/2       3,551.85  
Police Ret. 2nd 1/2       4,368.73  
     Total Retirement Police       7,920.58  
  Warrant Articles       2005 W.A.    
  W.A. #2 Fire Dept. Equip. Grant             11,200.00    
  W.A. #3 Fire Rescue Vehicle             45,000.00    
  W.A. #4 W.W. Project Completion                        -      
  W.A. #5 Highway Truck             17,069.00    
  W.A. #6 New Boston Rd Reconstruction             40,000.00    
  W.A. #7 Police Cruiser              6,200.00    
  W.A. #8 Recycling Ctr Paving              7,800.00    
       Total Proposed Warrant Articles           127,269.00    
  Proposed 2005 Expense Appropriation Amount        1,581,583.00    
  Minus Estimated 2005 Revenue Income       (614,356.00)    
  Minus Amount to be VOTED from Fund Balance Surplus            (36,466.00)    
  Minus Fund Balance Surplus to Reduce Taxes          (100,000.00)    
     Estimated Amount of Taxes to be Raised
   Including Warrant Articles
  As of March 1st, 2005
for every $106,933 of money to be raised
$1.00 on the Town Tax Rate:
  This amount is figured from the Total Valuation of the Town, which changes every year (sales; construction; tax exempt status; current use…)          
    2004 Tax      2005 Tax    
  If Budget passes, Town Tax Rate =   $9.12                   7.77   -$1.35
  If Warrant Articles pass Add:                       1.19    
      Total Tax Rate would be:   $9.12                   8.96   -$0.16